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Caring for Camellias + FAQs

Camellias make absolutely wonderful plants in any home, waking your garden from the slumber of Winter and, for that matter, helping to put the garden to bed with a display of colour in the autumn whilst everything else is dying back.

In this section, we present a collection of articles from experts around the world, which will help gardeners who are both new and experienced get the most from camellias.


Growing Sasanquas 01

Growing Sasanquas

Sasanqua gardening: an experience on Orta Lake
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Basic Camellia Care

Basic guide for caring for camellias in the home garden, covering water, nutrition, planting and soil

Pests and diseases of camellias

How to identify pests and diseases common to camellias around the world including black sooty mould on leaves and insect problems
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Camellia FAQ

Frequently asked questions about camellias. How to grow camellias and how or where to plant Camélias
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Winter protection of Camellias

How to look after Camelia in winter
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Basic Principles of Growing Camellias

How to grow camellias for best results - from the International Camellia Society, a global organisation for the Camellia plant

Effects of liming on the growth of Camellia japonica

An experiment was conducted to study the growth response of four cultivars of Camellia japonica to liming in acid soils.

Effectiveness of fungicides against Camellia flower blight

This work summarises the effects of five commercial fungicides against sclerotia formation in camellia flowers infected by Camellia flower blight

Scale insects on camellia

Scale insects are one of the pests present on many ornamental trees and shrubs.

Camellia japonica dieback

There are several fungal diseases detected on Camellia japonica. Regarding wood diseases, the most referenced disease is the Camellia dieback and canker caused by Glomerella cingulata.
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