
International Camellia Species Garden

International Camellia Species GardenGarden Overview

The International Camellia Species Garden, with an area of 10 hectares, has collected together up to 204 species of the genus Camellia, representing 4 subgenera and 17 sections. The collection accounts for 80 percent of all known species in Prof. Chang Hungta’s taxonomy. As the first garden in the world dedicated to collecting, conserving, cultivating, domesticating, breeding and utilizing the genus Camellia, the Garden has been developing into a research centre for international exchange and cooperation in the camellia world, and a living taxonomy of the genus Camellia.

Our Camellias

C.minutifloraTo make itself more attractive, the International Camellia Species Garden has been well designed with multi-functional facilities and spectacular landscapes. Besides those well-treasured camellia species and varieties, the 2,000-odd ornamental trees in the Garden also add beauty to its seasons. The Garden begins its year in Spring with flourishing Magnolias and successions of blooming Camellias, and ends in Winter amid the sea of C. sasanqua, whilst in between are the pleasant Summer of Lotus and fragrant Autumn of Osmanthus. Every season when visitors are walking along the winding paths and bamboo corridors, or taking rests in the pavilions, camellia plants are always there greeting them with their varied leaves and/or splendid flowers. The granite labels with camellia information on make the visits all the more instructive and enjoyable.

Contact Details

Xiazhangjia, Wucheng, Jinhua, Zhejiang, P.R. China
(180km southwest of Hangzhou)
Tel: 0086-579-82131167
Email: jhlyzmz@126.com

Visitor information

Opening Times

8am—6pm everyday
except the Spring Festival
(Chinese Lunar New Year,
roughly early February)

Entry Free

Best Time to Visit

Camellia season:
December to April

Magnolia season:
February to March



Disabled access

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