C.j. 'Tama-no-ura'
C.j. 'Grand Slam'
C.j. 'Antonietta Colnaghi'
C.j. 'Vergine di Collebeato'
C.j. Higo 'Shuko-no-tsuki'
C.j. 'Anemoniflora'
C. reticulata 'Damanao'
C. reticulata 'Shizitou'
C. reticulata 'Xuejiao'
C. hiemalis 'Bonanza'
C. hiemalis 'Kanjiro'
C. sasanqua 'Betty Patricia'
C. x vernalis 'Star Above Star'
C. vernalis 'Yuletide'
C. hybrid 'Bellbird'
C. hybrid 'High Fragrance'
C. cuspidata hybrid 'Spring Festival'
C. pitardii 'Annette Carol'
C. williamsii 'Donation'
C. williamsii 'E. G. Waterhouse'
C. granthamiana 'Granthamiana'
C. amplexicaulis - species
C. nitidissima - Species
C. petelotii - Species
C. saluenensis - Species
Toutes les images sont la propriété d'ICS
ICS est une société internationale à but non lucratif, avec environ 2.000 membres dans le monde.
Nous promouvons la connaissance, la culture et le développement des Camélias à travers diverses initiatives.
L'International Camellia Society est une organisation caritative avec des membres du monde entier qui partagent tous un amour pour tout ce qui est « Camellia ».
L'adhésion n'est pas seulement une question d'enseignement, de science, de nouvelles variétés, de préservation des anciennes variétés, c'est aussi une question d'amitié.
Come and join us in New Zealand to see what we can grow.
New Plymouth.
15th - 19th August 2025.
27 jan 2025
Dear friends, I hope all of you are well. Let me inform you about the ICS news.
7 jan 2025
Florence Crowder (88) left us on December 24, just before Christmas. She was a wonderful person, full of enthusiasm, and passionate about ancient camellia cultivars.
7 oct 2024
One of Japan’s oldest and most revered camellia trees, the Sanmen Tsubaki (the three-sides camellia) of Kumano Shrine, Massaki-cho, Ofunato City, will be recognised as a Significant Historic Ornamental Camellia Tree at the forthcoming ICS Congress in Tokyo in 2025.
2 Jul 2024
A Significant Historical Ornamental Tree Award has been given to Germany’s most iconic and famous ancient camellia tree, dated at over 250 years old, a single red Camellia japonica linked to 18th century importation of camellias into Europe.
22 avr 2024
Congratulations to Caerhays Castle Garden UK for an ICS Award for a Historic Ornamental Camellia Tree Collection of eleven specimens including five specimens of Camellia sasanqua (planted between 1899-1902), two specimens of Camellia x vernalis 'Dawn' (planted between 1899-1902), one specimen of Camellia japonica 'Gauntlettii' ('Sodekakushi', planted 1902), and one specimen of Camellia japonica 'Akashigata' (Lady Clare', planted 1906).
LEGAL INFORMATION: INTERNATIONAL CAMELLIA SOCIETY, INC. is a Domestic Nonprofit Corporation registered in Georgia, USA, with the control number J814860. Its legal CEO is Gianmario Motta, motta05@unipv.it, Via Boccaccio 4, 2023, Milano, Italy
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