Passed away on May 25th, 2024
Dear Friends,
I have lost John Wang. He was 84. John gave us many wonderful camellia cultivars and was a bridge between the U.S. and China. His job was working as a quality control specialist for the dairy milk industry. He met his future wife on a flight from Taiwan while immigrating to the United States. She was immigrating too. They were married 57 years and had three grown kids. John was a happy fellow to be around.
Forrest Latta
ICS Director USA
I met John Wang in Dali, in 2008, during the Symposium on the Yellow Camellia. Wang also had several interactions on Facebook where he posted many hybrids created by him.
He was a friendly and nice person and I keep a nice memory of him. Let me add a pic of him at the Yellow camellia Symposium, held in Dali in 2008.
Gianmario Motta
ICS President
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