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Genesis of the Apoliu Declaration - ICS Committee for Historic Camellia Conservation

A very successful meeting of the ICS Committee for Historic Camellia Conservation was held in Conghua, Guangdong Province, China, on 18-19 October 2019. Indeed, at this meeting, a declaration for historic camellia conservation, named the Apoliu Declaration, was defined and discussed. This Declaration (currently in its preliminary form) is an International Statement that encourages the Conservation of Ancient and Historic Camellias around the world.   Also, it sets criteria for Specification of Ancient Indigenous Camellia Trees and Historic Ornamental Camellia Trees, Standard of Measurements and Records, and the institution of International Awards for Significant Ancient Indigenous Camellia Trees and Significant Historic Ornamental Trees. The Declaration shall be considered by the board of ICS Directors at the forthcoming ICS 2020 Congress, in Goto, Japan.

The Declaration is named after the place of its inception, namely Apoliu Camellia Tourism Valley, an example of China’s cooperation development, located in a more isolated valley near Conghua. In this case, Government, Business and the local Community are working together to build a beautiful Camellia Tourism Valley. ICS is profoundly grateful to Mr Hou Wenquin, our generous host, for supporting the ICS Committee Meeting, involving 60 international delegates representing China, Australia, United Kingdom, Benelux, Germany/Austria, Italy, Japan, Spain, and Vietnam.

For further enquiries, please contact ICS Committee Chair, Dr Stephen Utick su.env.envoy@gmail.com

See also https://drive.google.com/open?id=16aTqAaR8mPxuqBjD6hGJMivnZJLcoabg


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