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Kunming Botanic Garden

Forest of Camellia reticulatasGarden Overview

Kunming Botanical Garden (KBG) was established in 1938. It is affiliated to the Kunming Institute of Botany under the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It has an area of 44 hectares. The Garden is a comprehensive institution with the main task of ex-situ conserving and sustainably utilising the rare and endangered plants, endemic taxa, and economically important plant species in the Hengduan Mountains and in the Yunnan Plateau. The Camellia Garden is one the oldest and most important specialized gardens within KBG.

In the wider KBG landscape we have 13 other specialised gardens which include: YUESAI Rhododendron Garden, Rock Garden, Monocotyledons, Medicinal Herbs, Magnolias, Arboretum, Gymnosperm Plants, Ornamental Fruits and Foliage, Endangered Plants Section, Sweetgum Avenue, Glasshouses, Rosaceae Section and the Begonia Collection. You could see many "3E" plants (Endemic, Endangered and of Economic Importance) in KBG. The Sweetgum Avenue is the main attraction in the Autumn.

Our Camellias

C.chuongtsoensis - a very rare and endangered speciesAround 8000 individuals of 1025 taxa (78 species and 1000 cultivars) in the genus Camellia are now displayed in KBG. The species C.reticulata is the city flower of Kunming. The most important scenic area is the beautiful forest of 800 trees of C.reticulata many of which are more than 70 years old in this large area. These plants are in full bloom during the Chinese New Year and this ensures that the Camellia Garden is a colourful and exciting place for celebrating this special holiday. The golden camellia collection is another important feature in KBG which has 30 species with yellow flowers. The Camellia garden has several collections with special theme: the Reticulata Zone,the Japonica Zone, the Sasanqua Zone, the Wild Species Zone, Camellia Greenhouse and the International Camellia Garden of Friendship set up in 1984, where camellias were planted by some 40 members of the ICS in four areas: Asia, Europe, N. America and Australasia.

Contact Details

Kunming Botanical Garden
132 Lanhei Road, Kunming, Yunnan, China.
Tel: (0871)5223628
Email: wang@mail.kib.ac.cn
Web: www.kib.ac.cn

Visitor information

Opening Times

Every day
8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Entry Fees - modest fees apply

Best Time to Visit

February is the best time to view Camellias.


Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences
132 Lanhei Road
(+ 86-871) 65223628/65223807


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