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Call for Paper - 2025 International Camellia Congress in Japan

The Organizing Committee of the 2025 International Camellia Congress in Japan invites all members of the International Camellia Society as well as researchers, technicians, professionals, and enthusiasts related to any aspects of the camellia world to participate and present communications at the Congress that will be held in Tokyo, Japan on March 9th-13th 2025, with a pre-congress tour in Ishikawa-Toyama Pref. or Oshima Island  on March 6-9th and a post-congress tour in Osaka and Kyoto from March 14th to March 17th.

The 2025 International Camellia Congress in Japan is a forum covering various aspects of the camellia - touristic, artistic, and botanic - as well as the various uses of the plant and the products that can be obtained from it. The Congress sessions will focus on each field, to encourage the participation of different sectors in the camellia world: tourism, ornamental, nursery field, landscape gardening and academy.

Deadlines for paper submission

  • Abstract: September 30th, 2024
  • Abstract acceptance: October 15th, 2024      
  • Full paper submission: November 30th, 2024
  • Full paper acceptance: January 15th, 2025     
  • Oral and Poster submission/presentation: February 10th, 2025


Papers will be admitted at 2 levels: full paper or one-page abstract/poster.
Congress Proceedings will be printed and published on the ICS web.
In the worst case of pandemics, the presentation of full papers shall be virtual (a downloadable video clip) and the main author will be available online for questions at a predefined schedule.

Instructions for abstracts

A concise abstract is required (200-300 words). The abstract shall state the purpose of the paper, the main results and conclusions. The abstract, since it is often presented separately from the article, should stand alone. Therefore, references shall be avoided; if absolutely needed, cite the essential ones, in terms of author(s) and year(s). Also, avoid non-standard or uncommon abbreviations; absolutely needed abbreviations or acronyms shall be defined in the abstract itself.

Prior to the submission of the full paper, authors shall send an abstract in Microsoft Word to prof. Wang: and Prof. Motta:, informing about the session in which you would like to include your paper, namely 1.Camellia history and biodiversity; 2.Propagation, nurseries and cultivation; 3.Molecular biology; 4. Conservation and hybridization; 5.Plant pathology; 6.Uses and tourism.

Instructions for written papers

Deadline for full paper submission will be November 30th, 2024. Please sent to prof. Wang: and to Prof. Motta: 

General guidelines

  • Length of the paper: maximum of 12 pages including all tables and figures
  • Margins: default margins.
  • Lines: single spaced with standard indentation on the first line. Tables and Figures including photographs shall be limited to 6 pages, about 1/2 of the total page number.
  • Language: English
  • Fonts: please check the sample paper attached.
    Download a sample complete paper in Word format.


Other relevant information

Plant names

Scientific names are to be included for all plant species and are to be in italic font except for the abbreviations, "var.", "subsp.", "f.", etc. which indicate rank at infraspecific level (e.g., Camellia japonica subsp. rusticana, Camellia nitidissima var. microcarpa).
The part of a name which denotes the cultivar is placed within single quotation marks (e.g., Camellia reticulata ‘Damanao’ x Camellia japonica ‘Mrs. D.W. Davis’).

For scientific names of cultivars in the genus Camellia, please visit: 

Author(s) and affiliation(s)

The byline under the title includes the name of author(s). The given name of authors may be either written in full or listed by initials. The affiliation or address of author (department or laboratory of university or research center) is included below the name. Provide a contact e-mail of the main author at footnote


This is a subheading followed by colon (Keywords: biological control, fungi). List a maximum of five key words not used in the title.


This is reserved for source of funding, name of project, if required or acknowledgement of help from colleagues or professional associates.

Citations and Literature Cited

Citations to references in the text are surrounded by parentheses with the last name of the author(s) and the year of publication (Peters, 1950; Jones and Smith, 1990). For two author papers, give both authors' last names (Black and Brown, 1974). Note: "et al." is used for three or more authors (Brown et al., 1999). Personal communications (include the surname or initials of the person and the date and are only to be included within the text, not in the Literature Cited section. The date is optional. Thus: (G. Orel, pers. commun., 1998).

Literature cited must provide complete citations for each of the published sources cited in your paper. List the authors in alphabetical order, based on the first author's last name and in chronological order for publications of the same author(s). Use the format that follows:

  • Journal Paper:
Scott, M.A. 1977. Methods of improving flower bud initiation in camellias. Expt. Hort. 29:80-93.
Savige, T. J. 1994. The International Camellia Register. International Camellia Society, Wirlinga, Australia
  • Chapter in Book:
Daubeny, H.A. 1996. Brambles. p.109-190. In: J. Janick and J.N. Moore (eds.), Fruit Breeding, Vol. 3, Nuts. Wiley, New York.
  • Chapter in Conference Proceedings:
Wang, Z.L., Xia, L.F., Feng, B.J., Shiuchi, T. and Xu, C.M. 2012. Chuxiong Camellia, its discovery, history and present development. Proc. International Camellia Congress. Chuxiong, China 5-9 Feb. p. 1-10.


Tables are numbered consecutively with Arabic numbers (Table 1, Table 2, etc.) and must be listed in the text. The titles of the tables are placed in 10 font size above the photographs.


Figures are numbered consecutively with Arabic numbers (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.). Titles of figures must go underneath the figure. All figures, graphs and drawings can be either in black /white or color and must be listed in the text. The titles of the figures will be placed underneath the figures in 10 font size.

Instructions for oral presentations:

  • Time limit for an oral presentation: 20 minutes.
  • Provide a brief biography of the author presenting the paper (about half a page).

Note: If you plan to use Power Point, please send a copy of your presentation by e-mail before the day of the session.

Instructions for posters:

  • Type of Font: non defined.
  • Font size: 10 mm (recommended) or larger.
  • Heading: title, author(s) name, affiliation and address.
  • Size: 1.20 m x 0.90 m (long x wide).
  • Software: Microsoft power point. Or others, like Adobe InDesign,


Deadline for poster submission will be February 10th 2025. The poster will be sent by e-mail to Prof. Motta: in Power point format or InDesign Format and will be printed here in Italy, unless you request otherwise.

In the poster design add the logo of your institute/university on the right top (if no logo of your institute, please use ICS logo instead).


Prof. Wang Zhonglang

Chair of Scientific Committee

2025 Japan International Camellia Congress



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