Located in the Arousa estuary (Pontevedra), we find one of the three official lordships in Spain. The main building was constructed in 15th century. In the 18th century the tower was pulled down, and a summer residence with rectangular plan was created. The gardens, with more than 11 hectares, have remarkable eucalyptus trees with perimeters of 12 metres, olives and magnolias. It has geometrical flowerbeds of french style, with sequoias and camphors. Its grandiose magnolias Magnolia grandiflora L. have been
included in the Galician Monumental Tree Catalogue.
The garden was initiated in the late 18th century. There is written evidence that in 1850 camellias were donated by the Condes de Caminha and that camellias from the Pazo de la Golpelleira were planted. At that time, the garden covered 40 ha. Several C.sasanqua, C.reticulata and C. japonica specimens growing in the garden were awarded the 'Camellia de Oro' (Golden camellia) and the 'Camellia de Plata' at the International Camellia Contest for the camellias presented by the Marquis widow of Aranda, the current propietor of the Pazo.
Excma. Sra. M. Urcola de Zuloaga, Marquis widow of Aranda
Pazo de Rubianes
Rúa do Pazo, 7 36619 Rubiáns, Vilagarcía de Arousa (Pontevedra)
Tel: 986507422
Fax: 986507422
Web: www.pazoderubianes.com
Email: info@pazoderubianes.com
Directions: On the road from Pontevedra to Vilagarcía de Arousa, 4 km from Vilagarcía.
9am-6pm every day
except Christmas day.
Entry Fees - modest fees apply.
See web for details.
Sasanque camellias start in March. Early July through October each year for Camellias and other spring blooms (including popular tulip display during Aug/Sept).
Internationally acclaimed Roses are best from November through April.
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